

The Resilience Project app is a daily wellbeing journal. Each day users will be prompted to identify their emotions, record moments of gratitude and practice mindfulness. The aim is to develop emotional literacy, engage with the positive things in life and be actively present.

We’re immensely proud of the app and we believe that it’s the perfect tool to help you practise gratitude, empathy & mindfulness.

This app is suitable for and has programs designed specifically for primary & secondary school students, as well as adults of all ages wanting to improve their mental well-being. We’re also very fortunate to have worked with Buddhify and Happy Waves who have donated several mindfulness scripts to ensure this app has everyone covered.

You can purchase the app for $4.99 – and you’ve got it forever.


See our video below with a quick demonstration on how to use The Resilience Project app.

Please contact us if you have any further enquiries regarding the app – we hope you enjoy it!

Feedback From Users

“I love The Resilience Project app because it wipes away all the bad things from my day and sets my mind on the good things. It’s not just about resilience, it’s about learning a lesson every day.”

Grade 2

“I would highly recommend this to everyone, regardless of whether you suffer from mental health issues. It’s a great preventative tool.”


“I’ve had great fun with resilience project… I’m up to day 105. My favourite mindfulness practice is Happy Hug. I’m aiming for 200 days now.”

Grade 4

Approved Provider

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

The Resilience Project is an approved provider in several school mental health funding initiatives around Australia.

This means more kids, educators and families can benefit from positive mental health programs than ever before.