
Presentation Slides & References

Please find below a sample presentation from both Hugh and Martin. We hope these slides can act as an ongoing resource in your schools, families and workplaces to promote positive mental health. Please contact us if there are any further resources you require.

Hugh's Presentation

Download for Hugh's Presentation Slides

Martin's Presentation

Download for Martin's Presentation Slides

Supporting Research

Here is some of the science and research that sits behind the four principles that we teach in our programs.


Empathy (more specifically compassion)


Emotional Literacy


General Statistics

Below is a list of resources and references providing general statistics on mental health

Further Reading

Below is a list of books and articles we recommend for further reading on resilience and positive mental health strategies.

Approved Provider

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

The Resilience Project is an approved provider in several school mental health funding initiatives around Australia.

This means more kids, educators and families can benefit from positive mental health programs than ever before.