
Season 3, Episode 15 – The Vulnerabilitea House (Round 2 – Josh van Cuylenburg)

Josh discusses an issue he's had for a long, long time and Hugh takes some time to delve a little deeper into the concept of vulnerability. What is it? Why is it important? How do we best practise it?



Two episodes in a week, what is going on? Well, it’s another Vulnerabilitea House that’s what. This week it’s Josh’s turn.

Lockdown rules meant this teahouse was spread across three tea houses but it doesn’t detract from the quality of the tea, and the vulnerableness. Josh discusses an issue he’s had for a long, long time and Hugh takes some time to delve a little deeper into the concept of vulnerability. What is it? Why is it important? How do we best practise it?

Being vulnerable can be scary, but it creates stronger and more authentic connections with others. Just make sure to be mindful about who you’re vulnerable with. It’s always important to trust and feel safe with those you open up to.

Approved Provider

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

The Resilience Project is an approved provider in several school mental health funding initiatives around Australia.

This means more kids, educators and families can benefit from positive mental health programs than ever before.