Corporate Program 2020

[trp_agile_form displayCompany=true checkTags=”Confirmed Corporate Program 2020″ processedText=”We have already received a response to this request. If you need to change anything please contact us via email at” ]

[trp_agile_option name=”CorporateProgram” buttonText=”Confirm Your Corporate Program” addTag=”Confirmed Corporate Program 2020,Date Not Confirmed” createDeal=true dealName=”{{company}} Corporate Program 2020″ dealMilestone=”Confirmed” dealCloseDate=”20191130″ dealValue=”0″ dealOwner=”5423890318360576″ dealProbability=90 createToDo=true todoTitle=”{{company}} – Schedule Dates” todoDays=7 todoOwner=”5423890318360576″ contactUpdateFields=”Discovering Resilience Presentation Qty,Twenty One Day Wellbeing Journal Qty,Six Month Wellbeing Journal Qty,App license Qty,Evaluation and data analysis”]

The Corporate Program includes

  • Discovering Resilience Presentation.
  • Digital Wellbeing Series – 10 Part Digital Wellbeing Series Cost – $8900

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Discovering Resilience Presentation Qty” label=”Please indicate how many Discovering Resilience Presentations you Require?” type=”number” value=”1″ attributes=”required min=1″]

Please note: there will be a cost per additional Discovering Resilience presentation.

Supporting Resources

  • 21 Day Wellbeing Journal: $16.50 each
  • 6 Month Wellbeing Wellbeing Journal: $30 each
  • The Resilience Project App: $4.49 per license
    • Please note a bulk purchase of Apps is only available for iOS
  • Evaluation and data analysis: $500
    • This optional analysis is available in conjunction with the 10-part Digital Wellbeing Series outlined above, and is presented as a report summarising the App usage and results at the completion of the Digital Series communication strategy

Please select the approximate quantities of each supporting product you will require:

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Twenty One Day Wellbeing Journal Qty” label=”21 Day Wellbeing Journals” type=”number” value=”0″ attributes=”required min=0 data-parsley-groupmin1=’books’ data-parsley-groupmin1-message=’You must order at least one journal type'”]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Six Month Wellbeing Journal Qty” label=”6 month Wellbeing Journals” type=”number” value=”0″ attributes=”required min=0 data-parsley-groupmin1=’books’ data-parsley-groupmin1-message=’You must order at least one journal type'”]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”App license Qty” label=”How many Licenses (ios Only) do you Require?” type=”number” value=”0″ attributes=”required min=0″]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Evaluation and data analysis” label=”Do you want to include the Evaluation Report and app data analysis?” value=”on” type=”checkbox”]

Please note: There is the opportunity to confirm the quantities for all Journals and Apps up to one week prior to your presentation


[trp_agile_option name=”PresentationAndJournal” buttonText=”Confirm your Presentation and Wellbeing Resources” addTag=”Confirmed Corporate Program 2020,Date Not Confirmed” createDeal=true dealName=”{{company}} Presentation And Journal/App 2020″ dealMilestone=”Confirmed” dealCloseDate=”20191130″ dealValue=”0″ dealOwner=”5423890318360576″ dealProbability=90 createToDo=true todoTitle=”{{company}} – Schedule Dates” todoDays=7 todoOwner=”5423890318360576″ contactUpdateFields=”Discovering Resilience Presentation Qty,Twenty One Day Wellbeing Journal Qty,Six Month Wellbeing Journal Qty,App license Qty”]

Discovering Resilience Presentation and Journals/App

Through storytelling and behaviour-change communications, the Discovering Resilience presentation provides practical and evidence-based strategies to manage wellbeing, both in and out of the work environment.

Following the Discovering Resilience presentation, team members are provided with a range of resources in the form of wellbeing journals and a mobile application to support team members to happier, more resilient and improve their overall wellbeing.

  • Discovering Resilience Presentation: $5900 each
  • 21 Day Wellbeing Journal: $16.50 each
  • 6 Month Wellbeing Wellbeing Journal: $30 each
  • The Resilience Project App: $4.49 per license
    • Please note a bulk purchase of Apps is only available for iOS

Please select the approximate quantities of each supporting product you will require:

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Discovering Resilience Presentation Qty” label=”Please indicate how many Discovering Resilience Presentations you Require?” type=”number” value=”1″ attributes=”required min=1″]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Twenty One Day Wellbeing Journal Qty” label=”21 Day Wellbeing Journals” type=”number” value=”0″ attributes=”required min=0 data-parsley-groupmin1=’books’ data-parsley-groupmin1-message=’You must order at least one journal type'”]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Six Month Wellbeing Journal Qty” label=”6 month Wellbeing Journals” type=”number” value=”0″ attributes=”required min=0 data-parsley-groupmin1=’books’ data-parsley-groupmin1-message=’You must order at least one journal type'”]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”App license Qty” label=”How many Licenses (ios Only) do you Require?” type=”number” value=”0″ attributes=”required min=0″]

Please note: There is the opportunity to confirm the quantities for all Journals and Apps up to one week prior to your presentation


[trp_agile_option name=”Presentation” buttonText=”Confirm your Presentation” addTag=”Confirmed Corporate Program 2020,Date Not Confirmed” createDeal=true dealName=”{{company}} Presentation Only 2020″ dealMilestone=”Confirmed” dealCloseDate=”20191130″ dealValue=”5900″ dealOwner=”5423890318360576″ dealProbability=90 createToDo=true todoTitle=”{{company}} – Schedule Dates” todoDays=7 todoOwner=”5423890318360576″ contactUpdateFields=”Preferred Presentation Date,Corporate Additional Booking Information”]

Discovering Resilience Presentation

Through storytelling and behaviour-change communications, the Discovering Resilience presentation provides practical and evidence-based strategies to manage wellbeing, both in and out of the work environment.

  • Discovering Resilience Presentation: – $5900

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Preferred Presentation Date” label=”Your preferred or approximate presentation date (must be after 01/01/2020)” type=”text” attributes=’placeholder=”dd/mm/yyyy” data-parsley-mindate=”01/01/2020″ datepicker=true’]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Corporate Additional Booking Information” label=”Please provide any additional booking information” type=”text” ]


[trp_agile_option name=”Conference” buttonText=”Confirm your Presentation” addTag=”Confirmed Corporate Program 2020,Date Not Confirmed” createDeal=true dealName=”{{company}} Conference Presentation 2020″ dealMilestone=”Confirmed” dealCloseDate=”20191130″ dealValue=”7900″ dealOwner=”5423890318360576″ dealProbability=90 createToDo=true todoTitle=”{{company}} – Confirm Conference Date” todoDays=7 todoOwner=”5423890318360576″ contactUpdateFields=”Discovering Resilience Conference Date,Corporate Additional Booking Information”]

CONFERENCE – Discovering Resilience Presentation

Through storytelling and behaviour-change communications, the Discovering Resilience presentation provides practical and evidence-based strategies to manage wellbeing, both in and out of the work environment.

  • Discovering Resilience Presentation: – $7900

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Discovering Resilience Conference Date” label=”Please provide the date for your conference event (must be after 01/01/2020)” type=”text” attributes=’placeholder=”dd/mm/yyyy” required data-parsley-mindate=”01/01/2020″ datepicker=true’]

[trp_agile_form_input_field name=”Corporate Additional Booking Information” label=”Please provide any additional booking information” type=”text”]



Approved Provider

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

The Resilience Project is an approved provider in several school mental health funding initiatives around Australia.

This means more kids, educators and families can benefit from positive mental health programs than ever before.