2024 Early Years Wellbeing Program

Why The Resilience Project?

At The Resilience Project, we provide a positive mental wellbeing program specially designed for children in early years services.

Our programs are all about teaching positive mental health strategies to prevent mental ill-health and build young people’s capacity to deal with adversity, and it’s been proven to work.

Our program is on the Victorian School Readiness Funding Menu of Evidence Informed Programs and in Queensland for services with Kindy Uplift Funding. 

Why we’re so passionate about mental health in the early years

A preventative approach to mental health is the key to tackling Australia’s youth mental health crisis. The preschool years are a critical time to develop positive wellbeing strategies and prevent mental-ill health later in life.

1 in 4

adolescents have a mental illness

1 in 7

primary school children have a mental illness


of adolescents do not seek help

What do we focus on in the program?

To help children feel happier and build resilience, our Early Years Program is centred around the evidence-based principles proven to cultivate positive emotions and positive mental health, Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness & Emotional Literacy (GEM). 

Digital Presentations - "INSPIRE"

Fun and captivating, our program includes a suite of digital presentations and live webinars which inspire us to practise positive wellbeing strategies.

Digital Presentation Samples

Teaching & Learning Program - "ENGAGE"

Engaging, enjoyable and easy to deliver, our session plans, activities and resources are the foundational tools which embed wellbeing into your service culture.

Early Years Children's Journal Sample


Empathy Session

Service and Home Connection

We recognise families as children’s first and most important educators and that’s why we have opportunities for families to share in GEM experiences.

Cozy Koala Take Home Program

Cozy Koala is our take home initiative to support the connection between your early learning service and home. Cozy is made from 100% recycled materials and is 100% huggable. Arriving in a TRP backpack, Cozy comes with a GEM journal for each child to take home once during the year. Families will engage in GEM experiences with Cozy in their home and children will be given the opportunity to share their adventures with their peers.

Community Projects

Community Projects are designed to support the connection between your service and the wider community through the GEM principles. Children, families, educators and visitors are invited to participate in GEM activities. There are 3 Community Projects each year. We provide everything you need to successfully implement the projects in your service.


Gratitude Tree Sample

Gratitude Tree community project

Program Overview & Inclusions

  • GEM TV Episodes (short, high energy videos)


Teaching &
Learning Program:
  • Cozy Koala Take Home Program
  • Early Years Children’s Journal containing fun and engaging wellbeing activities
  • 3 x Community Projects to create partnerships between the services and home
  • Digital professional development presentations to introduce the program.
  • Live Authentic Connection Staff Webinar (new)
Teaching &
Learning Program:

20 Session plans containing:

  • Core and Boost sessions (new)
  • Fun and culturally responsive activities and experiences
  • Play Based Provocations (new)
  • Educator prompts and GEM chats
  • GEM themed games and activities
Parents / Carers
  • Live Authentic Connection Parent Webinar (new)
Engagement Initiatives:
  • Cozy Koala Take Home Program
  • Dedicated Early Years Parent Hub with information and activities
  • Parent communication pack
  • Project + Newsletters and Try It At Home activities
  • Live Leading TRP Webinar
    • Everything you need to know for best-practise implementation
  • Engagement Initiatives:
    • Dedicated Early Years Partnership Manager
    • 3 x Community Projects to create partnerships between the service and home
    • Early Years Service GEM Pack
    • The Resilience Project Fence Sign
$1,350 (+GST)


$20 (+GST) / Child 

2024 Program Cost Calculator
Program Cost = $1350 + $20 (+GST) per child

Program Overview & Inclusions


  • GEM TV Episodes (short, high energy videos)
  • Digital professional development presentations to introduce the program.
  • Live Authentic Connection Staff Webinar (new)
Parents / Carers
  • Live Authentic Connection Parent Webinar (new)
  • Live Leading TRP Webinar
    • Everything you need to know for best-practise implementation
$1,350 (+GST)


Teaching &
Learning Program:
  • Cozy Koala Take Home Program
  • Early Years Children’s Journal containing fun and engaging wellbeing activities
  • 3 x Community Projects to create partnerships between the services and home
Teaching &
Learning Program:

20 Session plans containing:

  • Core and Boost sessions (new)
  • Fun and culturally responsive activities and experiences
  • Play Based Provocations (new)
  • Educator prompts and GEM chats
  • GEM themed games and activities
Engagement Initiatives:
  • Cozy Koala Take Home Program
  • Dedicated Early Years Parent Hub with information and activities
  • Parent communication pack
  • Project + Newsletters and Try It At Home activities
Engagement Initiatives:
  • Dedicated Early Years Partnership Manager
  • 3 x Community Projects to create partnerships between the service and home
  • Early Years Service GEM Pack
  • The Resilience Project Fence Sign
$20 (+GST) / Child


2024 Program Cost Calculator
Program Cost = $1350 + $20 per child (+GST)

Let's help everyone to be mentally healthy

Take the first step in helping your students, teachers, and staff develop the resilience needed to build a healthier future.

Emotional Literacy GEM Superhero_pose 2


Paying attention to the things we have right now, and not worrying about what we don’t have. We practise this by noticing the positives around us.


Practising gratitude helps us to be thankful and appreciate what we have in our lives, rather than focussing on what we don’t have or what we want. When we practice being grateful, we start to scan the world to look for positives – this only takes 21 days! Practising gratitude every day increases our levels of energy, helps us to feel happier and more focussed, determined and optimistic. It even helps us have a better sleep, lowers levels of anxiety and depression and we are less likely to get sick.


Putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see as they do. We practice this by being kind and compassionate towards other people.


Working on empathy helps us to identify, understand and feel what another person is feeling. When we show empathy or we do something kind for someone else our brain releases oxytocin. This leads to us increasing our self-esteem/ confidence, energy levels, positivity and overall happiness.


Our ability to be calm and present at any given moment. We practice this by slowing down and concentrating on one thing at a time.


Working on mindfulness gives us opportunities to develop our ability to pay attention to the present moment and our thoughts. Practising mindfulness daily can help us stay focussed on set tasks and reduce stress and anxiety.

Emotional Literacy

Being able to recognise and label your feelings and emotions as they happen.


Working on our emotional literacy gives us opportunities to develop our ability to understand and express different emotions. When we improve our emotional literacy we can work towards recognising our own feelings and being able to manage them. This allows us to cope with different life situations such as managing conflict, making friends, coping in difficult situations and being resilient when dealing with change.

Approved Provider

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

Victorian School Mental Health Fund Menu

The Resilience Project is an approved provider in several school mental health funding initiatives around Australia.

This means more kids, educators and families can benefit from positive mental health programs than ever before.