How to try connected parenting

Strong positive parent-child relationships result in happier children and also have a positive impact on parents mental health. Win win.


Spending time with your child/ren is the best way to strengthen your connection. Reportedly it only takes 15 – 20 mins a day of undivided attention for a child to feel connected. This is even less time for younger children whose attention span is shorter. 


Block out 15 mins as often as you can to spend time with your child/ren. Naming this as a special time just for your child sends a strong message to them that they are important and that you value them. 


Some ideas may be;

Playing – this is their speciality let them take the lead… barbies, legos, the floor is lava, what’s the time mr wolf, sports, going for a walk, bike riding, dancing, cooking, colouring, making things, reading a book.  Let your child choose – they love being able to choose. 


For those really busy days  there are also opportunities everyday in your normal routine for you to build on your connection Chatting whilst bathing, cooking dinner together, eating, bedtime routine, chatting on the school run etc. Challenge yourself at these time to be fully present and give your child/ren your attention. Put the phone down, turn off the background TV and practise active listening.


Remember to be kind to yourself. Parenting is hard and we won’t always get it right. Be sure to also squeeze in some time for you.

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