Season 4, Episode 17 – Dr Emily

Dr Emily talks us through the dangers of the Hedonistic Treadmill, and its slightly lesser known cousin, Hedonistic Adaptation.

Dr Emily is back to help us all!

Reflecting on our episode with Olympic BMX rider, Sam Willoughby from Season 2, Dr Emily talks us through the dangers of the Hedonistic Treadmill, and its slightly lesser known cousin, Hedonistic Adaptation.

There’s a lot covered in this Imperfects episode, including ‘Growth Mindset’, being mindful of what we want and why, and how quickly we actually adapt to finally getting those things we want.

For book recommendation Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hanson, please follow this link:

For book recommendation The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, follow this link:

To watch Carol Dwecks Ted Talk, please follow this link:

Reference for Sonja Lyubomrisky’s stats for the determinants of happiness: